
Сообщения за ноябрь, 2022


 DAY 3 HAZRATOVA OYSARAXON. HELLO TO ALL. IT IS BLOG OF OUR THIRD PRACTICE DAY.FIRST OF ALL BEFORE WE BEGAN OUR PRACTICE, SABINA SHARIPOVNA CHECKED OUT OUR DIARIES THEN SHE GAVE SOME QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR SECOND PRACTICE TASK. For Our third practice Day   ART MUSEUM was choosen and presenting task this destination was given to 3 girls, Farangiz,Dilshoda,Jamila. Their presentations were very informative. The Museum of finenArts is located in The Former building of The state Bank which was built in 1912 bu The architects Sakovich and Margulis. The building had A complicated architectural composition and was built above The ancient branch of The Canal Shoxrud (6th-7th c) The upper Floor of The Arcade was occupied by The Department of The Azov-Don Bank fnd a shop of the Russian manufacturer and Maecenas Savva Morozov. Sience 1982 in this building The branch of The Bukhara state Museum preserve The Art Museum has been situated. At present in The two-storied building of The Museum there are ex

Mosque Magoki Attori

Day 2. Hello I am going to write about  our second Practice Day in this blog.We planned to meet at 13:00 for second Practice day. For our second Practice day Magoki Attori Mosque was choosen. Presenting task this destination was given 3 girls,Ozoda,Marjona, Girls and our Teacher talked a Lot of interesting facts about Magoki Attori  For example I can some information about Magoki Attori.Magoki Attori is located in the west of popular Lyabi-Khauz in the Center of Bukhara.Its building depends on Qutayba Ibn Muslim.Before the Arabs had come to Bukhara there were bazar in here, where Magaki Attori had been situated before. In Bazar before Islam had appeared, Zoroastrian Idols,Attar medicinal plants and spices were Sold.First this place was called "Bozori Ayyorona" over time it was called "Magaki Attori" At the Moment this mosque is being rebuilt. So our second practice day was very great and rich in necessary facts. My awereness and knowledge is being improved days by d


 Day 1 I am OYSRA HAZRATOVA.We were given two-day Practice and designated SABINA SHARIPOVNA  to lead us.Our first Practice was in LYABI-KHAUZ.First of all we went to Kukaldosh madrasah. For our first Practice Nilufar,Samiya and Sarvara were choosen to present about Lyabi-khauz.They told necessary facts about them.Kukaldosh madrasah is considered the largest madrasah in Central Asia.It was built in XVI century by Qulbobo Kukaldosh who was Shayboniykhonʼs General.Qulbobo Kukaldosh was general.Shayboniykhonʼs Close adviser,engineer and Mathematica.Kukaldosh madrasah consists of 165 khujras,one mosque and room For recition. Then we walked AYNIY'S rooms listening information about books,Ayniy's dress etc.Ayniy lived Here from 1901s to 1917s.So He had Not enough Money that his friend Sharifjon Maxdum gave him those khujras to Help. During Practice we faced a Lot of Ayniyʼs books that are very valuable  For all.For example "Qullar","Odina","Sutxoʻrning oʻlimi&