DAY 14

Hazratova Oysaraxon🌙

First of all Assalomu aleykum 👋.WE arrived at 14th day of our practice.it is passing very soon 🥹 🙁. As for our Destination that was choosen practice place it was ABDULAZIZKHAN MADRASAH 🕌.We were in Hurry to Learn that complex.Our practice started at 8 oʼclock .

Now let me give some information and facts about Madrasah 🧐

The madrasah was built in 1417 by Ismail Isfagani and Najmeddin Bukhari, the best architects of the time. The structure shows harmonious proportions and forms of its elements; it has little decoration and yet looks impressive and even majestic. It is a rectangular building with a large portal and a courtyard. It features an entrance corridor splitting and leading in two directions: to the mosque and darskhona classroom. This was against the common design of madrasah corridors, which led right into the yard.

The gate of the madrasah has a carved inscription taken from the Koran: ‘The pursuit of knowledge is the responsibility of every Muslim man and woman’. This citation can be considered to have been Ulugbek’s motto. There was also another inscription:‘May the door of God’s blessings be every day open to the people who are aware of book wisdom’.
Ulugbek was famous for his astronomical researches throughout the world. That is why astral designs in the decoration of the madrasah predominate. Some decorative elements differ in the ways they were made, which is evidence of the fact that the madrasah has been restored several times.Ulugbek Madrasah could seat up to 80 students. They studied Astronomy, Mathematics, Arabic and religious subjects. Many graduates from the madrasah became eminent scholars and poets.

The madrasah is one of most outstanding Bukhara architectural monuments. Thousands of lovers of Central Asian culture visit it every year. Today the madrasah houses Bukhara Restoration History Museum.Built in 1652, a few centuries later than Ulugh-Beg Madrasah (built in 1417), Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah, which stands across from it, is an integral part of Bukhara’s most outstanding architectural ensemble. Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah marks the remarkable progress of medieval Central Asian architecture; it shows us how amazingly high the skills of Central Asian architects, builders and artists were at the time.Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah is often compared with Ulugh-Beg Madrasah, since they are a duet of completely different structures of different times. Ulugh-Beg Madrasah, built during the reign of the Timurid dynasty, is moderate in size and decoration, while its counterpart is grand and ornate.The pishtaq portal of the madrasah is amazingly high and splendidly decorated. The iwan gateway has many facets and ornamental stalactites. While the iwan of Ulugh-Beg Madrasah is plain and has inscribed citations from the Koran, Abdulaziz-Khan Madrasah’s is covered with verse lines of famous poets.The decorative patterns of the latter are also different. They are not precisely geometrical or astral, as it was common; they are bright and rich wavy plant designs. There are even images of a Chinese dragon and a mythical bird called Simorgh inside them, which is a sign of Bukhara’s close relations with Silk Road kingdoms at the time. The walls and chambers of the madrasah show almost all the decoration techniques used in those times: relief majolica, marble carving, tile and brick mosaic, wall painting and even gilding.The summer and winter mosques in the madrasah are also splendidly decorated. The winter mosque is in the western corner of the entrance hall; the summer mosque stands right in the courtyard. The darskhona classroom features beautiful murals in blue on a white background. They depict landscapes like those of Chinese or Indian paintings.However, they did not complete the decoration of the madrasah. The right part of the yard and the left side of the façade remained unadorned because a political coup took place in the country while Abdulaziz-Khan was away, and no master who could complete the work stayed there after it.

The period of XVI-XVIII centuries was in history as the art epoch of Central Asia reflected in prosperity of Bukhara carvers. Bukhara acquired the status of the capital city, which led to the flourishing of urban development. In the decoration of mosques, madrasahs, gates, doors, tombstones widely used artistic woodcarving.

The masters sought on the basis of a new plan to make some innovations in the design of the exterior facades such circumstances we cannot see inside the madrasah.

The mosque and darshana (studying room) made very simplistic and without any ornaments, only the dome and summer mosque, there are individual samples of simple ornaments. Each door is a remarkable example of fine art of wood carving of Medieval.

Abdulaziz Khan Madrasah is a part of architectural ensemble of Ulugbek Madrasah, however, it is much bigger and more beautiful. The portal of madrasah is decorated with rich patterns, in the decoration of which was used yellow paint. There were also used different technologies during the construction of the building: carved tile and mosaic, relief majolica, carved marble, gilding.
 There are pictures of Chinese dragon and bird of happiness Semurg on the walls, here you can also read poems of famous poets. Madrasah has two mosques - winter and summer, the walls and ceiling decoration is extremely luxury. In 1988 there was built museum exhibition, where were presented dervishes’ staffs, carved doors, boxes and more.
 In the XV-XVIII centuries the woodcarver’s era prospered in Central Asia. There is an art carving in the decoration of mosques, madrasas, headstones, gates, etc. It is known that Ulughbek was not only famous ruler but the great scholar and patron of the sciences. His first madrasa was built in 1417 in Bukhara. Abdulaziz Khan Madrasah was his last monumental building in the capital of the Bukhara Khanate.

There our coursemates tried on wearing embroidered skullcap.they fit very Well to My Friends😍

So our practice was over it was rich in interesting condition .WE learned Many significant facts.we are planning to organize to come the madrasah again 



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